一线 重塑组织
As a globally recognized manufacturer in the field of 3C electronics contract manufacturing, this company often encounters situations in their daily production scheduling where they need to accommodate urgent orders and make quick adjustments to the schedule and material collection. Opting for manual Excel adjustments in such cases can lead to human errors, such as mistakes or omissions, resulting in irreparable financial losses for the company. On the other hand, relying solely on a customized APS system deployed in the factory for re-planning requires the involvement of professionals to inspect the software and parameter settings if significant deviations occur between the results generated by the intelligent algorithm based on constraint theory and the manually estimated schedule. This greatly limits the convenience of using it as a digital tool.

This whitepaper includes the following solutions:
  • Challenges faced by EMS factories in their digital transformation
  • AI-powered intelligent scheduling for flexible response to frequent production adjustments
  • Smart procurement recommendations for resilient response to cost reduction demands in the supply chain
  • Reflecting on the digital wave: JarviX 3.0 supporting enterprise's digital transformation and upgrade.
Download When decision AI enters one of the largest EMS factories in the world: Empowering front-line workers and reshaping organizations
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